Still in isolation at the hospital

The Littlest Soldiers
The medals on our chests
Are portacaths for meds
Helmets won’t stay on
Cause no hair is on our heads.
Are portacaths for meds
Helmets won’t stay on
Cause no hair is on our heads.
Our weapons of destruction
We take every day
We fight the battle within us
While we struggle on to play.
We fight with honor and courage
No marine could do as well
We are only little children
Living in this hell.
So bring on the medals
The purple hearts of wars
The gold cross, the silver star
To place upon our scars.
For we are the Children of Cancer
No one has fought so hard
But every day we struggle on
Our LIFE is our reward.
(by Cheryl Jagannathan mom to a leukemia survivor)
2 thoughts on “Still in isolation at the hospital”
Wat een prachtig gedicht dat kan alleen een moeder bedenken die het zelf allemaal meemaakt met haar kindje. Veel sterkte met de laatste loodjes
Jullie verdienen alle drie een medaille! En nog veel meer!
Dikke kus, Steph